Friday, 24 June 2011

We're Too Expensive

It's raining outside, so I thought I would take a minute to share some thoughts that I can't get out of my head.  We are in what we call the “recovery” mode after the “great recession” and yet there are unions on strike, how stupid can we be?   The postal workers are on strike and refusing to deliver the mail and the other stuff they do (do they not see that as the years go on, mail is becoming less important).  Come on people, I understand everyone wants more money, but you have a great pension, amazing benefits, guaranteed work and abundance of vacation, what more do you want? 
I like what Harper did with Air Canada and it will be no time before he does it with the postal workers.  But I’m going to day dream and fantasize of what I would do if I was Mr. Harper.  Our Canadian unemployment rate is around 7.5% and my guess it will hover in this area for the next few years, until my offer is rejected.  I would force management to make a simple and fair offer to the Postal workers and if they don’t accept it, I would let them strike and get replacements for the 48,000 workers.  To me it’s a no brainer; their starting wage is around $19/hour, I’m sure we can find many competent people for that wage.  It’s time we actually realize we are too expensive as employees and get our act together, before we become the next Greece!

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